Several years after the Call of Cthulhu game ended, some time in early 2012, a group of five students expressed interest in playing an RPG (specifically, they said they wanted to "play D&D"). Three of them had played computer RPGs but had never played a "real" one, and there are few things I love more than introducing new folks to tabletop roleplaying, so I couldn't resist the opportunity. And because I have difficulty doing things in half-measures, I couldn't just run a one-off adventure using rules I already knew. I decided to look into recent versions of D&D, and ended up going with D&D 3.5 as embodied by the Pathfinder system. I did a fair amount of research before I took the plunge, reading about how Pathfinder rules had been extensively playtested, and I was impressed by the sheer quantity of polished product that was available. Due to time constraints and a desire to minimize prep work, I decided to go with a published "Adventure Path," which is essentially an entire campaign that plays out over six 96-page modules/chapters, taking characters from level 1 to level 15. The best-reviewed of the many available Adventure Paths was Kingmaker, which is designed more as a "sandbox" than a linear narrative, and includes rules for the PCs to found and develop their own kingdom in a wilderness.

Now, of course, I am totally free to employ GM fiat in a Pathfinder game, and throughout our campaign I have done so. But the rules themselves, in their attempt to mechanically model every narrative detail, hamper and discourage it. When situations are "hard-coded" and searchable online, my players can look them up on their iphones and point out that any given ruling I make might be "wrong" according to the official rules. They do it to be helpful, not because they're jerks, and they willingly go along with whatever my final ruling is, but the mere existence of those rules out there creates the niggling feeling in all of us that, again, even if we move on, we did something wrong.
Playing the DCC RPG coincided with investigating the "story game" community, which I had been doing already thanks to my interest in Jason Morningstar's terrific game Fiasco, and a kickstarted comic book project that grew out of that interest. Within that community I quickly learned of a little game called Dungeon World, which in short order replaced the DCC RPG as the off-night game for my group. I was only able to write up two sessions of our initial experience, but not for lack of joy. Dungeon World proved just as thrilling and fun as the DCC RPG, but whereas adapting our Pathfinder campaign to the latter was inconceivable, DW is so eminently flexible that the possibility of adaptation immediately occupied all of my gaming brain cells. After more than a year, my players were fully invested in Kingmaker, but I was at the end of my rope with the system, so I was looking for a way to make all of us happy. Adapt to survive!
So that's what I did. I consulted the Dungeon World Tavern Google+ community, and read as many hacks of the DW rules as I could find to see how other people had altered the rules to suit their needs. I built a custom playbook for each of my six players (the Halfling Monk had moved on, replaced by a Dwarf Rogue, and we had gained a Catfolk Ranger), translating the Druid and Sorceror's Pathfinder spells into DW parlance, then doing the same for their gear and magic items. I experimented with adapting Pathfinder's equipment pricing to DW, but realized it would be too much of a chore since I was working with a published campaign, and would have to convert too much stuff, so I decided to stick with the equipment costs of Pathfinder.
Without exception, the characters ended up feeling like cooler characters, instead of the aggregations of stats and abilities that makes Pathfinder feel closer to a computer RPG than a tabletop RPG. The alignment moves and bonds in particular—because of the way they allow you to earn XP—really help the characters feel tied to their world and companions. You can see a sample converted character sheet, the Druid's, here.
Next, I had to adapt the kingdom building rules. It was a bit daunting, but I was so unhappy with the kingdom building as it was that I needed to get my hands dirty and see if I could make it more enjoyable. Here's what I ended up with. It's far more involved than anything in DW, and is still too dry, but it's a start. We need to see it in action before making more tweaks, and ultimately I want to make it mesh with DW's steading rules. Right now it's still somewhere in between.
The final step of conversion, and the part that will be ongoing, is converting Kingmaker's NPCs, monsters, and magic items. This part is relatively easy on a case-by-case basis, thanks to DW's elegant and open approach to the "stat block" problem, but all told it's still a lot of stuff. Based on what I've converted so far, I expect that I will probably need to devote an hour or so a week on this stuff, although it is fairly easy to do on the fly.
So I did the conversion work, but I wanted to kick off the first DW session in style—both to sell my players on it and to get them re-energized about playing—so I took the opportunity to make the campaign more my own.
The first thing I did was remake the campaign map in a style that I liked. Pathfinder's maps are fine examples of digital cartography, but they resemble satellite photos more than maps of fantastic lands. Really, they do nothing to spark the imagination. So I looked back to some of my favorite RPG maps, those that Pete Fenlon drew for Middle Earth Role Playing back in the 80s, such as this:
Here's what the map for the fist two chapters in the Kingmaker Adventure Path looks like:
And here, after far too much fiddling with Illustrator and Photoshop, is what our revised campaign map looks like:
Next, I reworked the map of the home settlement that the PCs had founded and built up over the course of two years of in-game time. The previous map I had made looked like this:
And here it is after I added the stuff they built in recent months:
My last "marketing" move was to put together some portraits for the major NPCs the players had come to know. I usually like my NPCs to live in the collective imagination, but the cast of secondary and tertiary characters has grown so large that attaching visuals to them helps me keep them organized, and gives me a concrete starting point when I find myself having to roleplay one of them unexpectedly. And because I've done so much similar work for my boardgame over the years, I can throw together these portraits pretty quickly.
Now, I feel compelled to point out at this point that all of this prep work is somewhat antithetical to the Dungeon World philosophy as presented in the core rules. DW is a game designed to be played with little to no prep; it fosters the idea of world creation on the fly, as an ongoing collaboration between the players and the GM, something to be brought to life in the moment at the table, not bought off the shelf. This is one of its greatest strengths, and unfortunately our greatest loss in the translation of Kingmaker. If it were my choice to make alone, I might throw Pathfinder completely out the window and start a new campaign from scratch, hewing to the DW philosophy. At this point I've run several shorter adventures that way, and they rank among the most fun I have ever had running an RPG. But I have my players to consider, and if this transition works, the DW rules stand a chance of breathing new life into the world of Kingmaker.
As I mentioned at the start of this long post, I ran the first session last night. I handed out the custom playbooks and explained what was different, the main point I emphasized being, "Don't worry about the mechanics, just put yourself in the story and think about what your character would do. Leave the mechanics to me." Then, we picked up where we had left off at the previous session.
A cursed, ravening owlbear assaulted their settlement, and they fought it off with much derring-do. They tried to track it to its lair, but got drawn in a different direction when they caught wind of possible bandit activity on their frontier. They searched for a rabble-rousing bard who had been stirring up unrest among their subjects, following a lead on his whereabouts to a dead-and, and then fought off a shambling mound that assaulted their camp at night. The session ended with their return to Freagol, their home steading.
The whole time I was anxious, not least of all because I had done so much prep work. It was ultimately fine with me if they decided they didn't like it and wanted to go back to Pathfinder, but I hoped that my work would help them see what I saw in Dungeon World. The fights went about three times faster than the same fights would have taken in Pathfinder, but I worried that people were feeling shorted on the opportunity to act; I discovered that juggling six players in DW can be a challenge. By the end of the session, I was so insecure about the way things had gone that I was convinced that they had not had a good time. So to give them the easy out, I said, "So, if you guys want, we can totally go back to Pathfinder next week. I would be totally fine with that."
All at once, they said something to the effect of , "No way, this was awesome!"
And I heaved a sigh of relief.
Earlier, when the cursed owlbear attacked their town, the PCs confronted it atop a watchtower. Wounded and near death, the creature wanted to flee. An idea popped into my head, and I said, "The owlbear turns and leaps from the parapet, back toward the forest from which it first emerged."
Everyone was shocked. "It's jumping off the thirty-foot-high tower?!"
"Right as it jumps, it spreads its feathery arms and you see the vestigal owl wings reaching from either side of its ribcage to its elbows. Miraculously, the wings catch enough air to allow it to glide, slowing the hurtling descent of its massive weight toward the ground."
"What? Owlbears can't fly!"
There was a pause as I considered the relative truth of this assertion.
"Fuck that. We're in Dungeon World now."
Addendum: I've had a few requests for the rest of the custom playbooks. You can see pdfs of them here: Mitharrna the Half-Elf Woodswarden (Druid/Ranger), Kervantes the Human Loremaster (Fighter/Wizard), Mawgrah the Half-Orc Poisoner (Thief), Bilabous the Demonborn Gnome Sorceror, Professor Bismuth the Dwarf Rogue Alchemist (Thief), and Nadara the Catfolk Ranger.
Great tale, I really can relate. Earlier this year I pulled out of our PF game as a player, the rules are just too much for me.
ReplyDeleteI am about 60 pages in to the DW rulebook so far and really enjoying it!
Best of luck!
Fantastic maps, especially your Greenbelt map.
ReplyDeleteI gave up on Pathfinder in the middle of Kingmaker for many of the same reasons you did -- since then dividing my time between DW and DCC -- each scratch different itches and each has a different play group.
That sounds ideal to me. Good on ya for bailing when you realized you weren't digging it!
DeleteHi Jason !
ReplyDeleteI'm also a great fan of Pete Fenlon's ICE maps. How did you manage to reproduce the exact tree and hills patterns ? I've tried myself but with no such nice results.
Hi Magi max --
DeleteIt's a bit fiddly and may require a fari amount of familiarity with Photoshop. First I scanned one of Mr. Fenlon's maps out of an old MERP module, though I think you can find some decent hi-res scans online. Then, I lassoed features I wanted to use, like a coupl eof hills or a patch if forest, copied, and pasted them into my blank map. Once I patched some stuff together, I copy-pasted and used the rubbertsamp tool to build the map from the imported graphics. To help things feel unified, I usually apply filter>noise>median to blur things a bit together, and in this case I applied filter>artistic>poster edges at the very end to give it all an outlined look. I own Campaign Cartographer and the Pete Fenlon graphic set that they sell for that program, but I hate how digital everything in CC looks, so this is my (much more time-consuming) solution to approximating the look of his beautiful maps.
Thanks for your answer ! In fact, I've been doing exactly the same, but apparently with less success ;) It makes me want to try again.
ReplyDeleteI think I've been totally missing out on the Oleg character experience. I didn't realize he was being played by Bruce Willis!
ReplyDelete- Donna A.
would you share those maps with technically inept? i am planning on running kingmaker (in DCC no less :p) and absolutely love your version of the map.